
1. Historia y evolución

  1. WHO (1991)
    National perspectives on quality assurance in mental health care
  2. C. Montoya-Aguilar - WHO/SHS/DHS/94.2 (1994)
    Measuring the performance of hospitals and health centres
  3. CJL Murray, DB Evans - WHO (2003)
    Health systems performance assessment: debates, methods and empiricism
  4. The State of Health Care Quality - The Quality Agenda and Resourde Us
    2010 Reform 
  5. Rosa Urbanos, en nombre del Grupo de Trabajo de SESPAS - Gaceta Sanitaria 2010; 24(1):89-94
    Recomendaciones para una futura Ley de Salud Pública en España
  6. Octavi Quintana - Gaceta Sanitaria 1991; 05: 284-8
    La crisis de los sistemas sanitarios y la reforma que provocaron. La reforma del servicio nacional de salud británico y su relevancia para el sistema sanitario español
  7. Jacob S. Hacker - Center on Health, Economic and Family Security. U.C. Berkeley School of Law
    The Case for Public Plan Choice in National Health Reform: Key to Cost Control and Quality Coverage
  8. D. Wall, V. Parker, S. Squire, A. Halligan - Clinical Governance Bulletin December 2002; 3(4): 6-8
    Implementing users’ ideas to change mental health services
  9. A. McColl, M. Roland - BMJ 2000;321:871-874
    Knowledge and information for clinical governance
  10. A. Halligan, D. Wall, S. O'Neill - British Journal of Clinical Governance 2002; 7(1): 53-56.
    Clinical Governance: sharing practical experiences-developing a national clinical governance resource
  11. George H Swingler, Jimmy Volmink, John P A Ioannidis - BMJ 2003; 327:1083-1084.
    Number of published systematic reviews and global burden of disease: database analysis
  12. S. Nicholls, R. Cullen, S. O’Neill, A. Halligan - British Journal of Clinical Governance. 2000; 5 (3): 172-178.
    NHS Support Team. Clinical governance: its origins and its foundations
  13. M. Pringle - BMJ 2000;321:737-740
    Participating in clinical governance
  14. S. Nicholls, R. Cullen, A. Halligan - British Journal of Clinical Governance. 2001; 6(2).
    Clinical governance …after the review – what next? Agreement and implementation
  15. D. Hunter - Education and Debate, vol. 315, pp. 50-53
    Managed Care, disease management
  16. A. Halligan - Health Director, Mar/Apr 2003: 14-15
    The implementation of clinical governance
  17. A. Halligan. L. Donaldson - BMJ 2001; 322:1413-7
    Implementing clinical governance: turning vision into reality
  18. TA Ray - Ann Clin Biochem. 2000;37(Pt 1):9-15
    Clinical governance
  19. G. Sweeney, K. Sweeney, M. Greco, J. Stead - Clinical Governance Bulletin April 2001; 2(1): 6-7
    Moving clinical governance forward: capturing the experiences of primary care group leads
  20. N. Goodman - BMJ vol. 317, pp. 1725-1727
    Clinical Governance

2. Gestión Clínica en España

  1. Meneu R, Ortún V. - Gaceta Sanitaria Vol. 25 (4): 333-338
    Transparencia y buen gobierno en sanidad. También para salir de la crisis
  2. Peiró S, Meneu R. - Aten Primaria 2011; 43:115-116
    Crisis económica y epicrisis del sistema sanitario
  3. Bernal-Delgado E., Ortún Rubio V. - Gaceta Sanitaria. 2010; 24 (3):254-8
    La calidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud: base de su deseabilidad y sostenibilidad
  4. Villalbí, JR. - Rev Esp Salud Publica. 2010, vol.84, n.3, pp. 247-254
    La cartera de Servicios de Salud Pública en el Sistema Nacional de Salud: la aportación de la Administración General del Estado
  5. Editorial - Gestión Clínica y Sanitaria. 2004; 6(3):87-9
    El camino para la excelencia en la atención sanitaria pasa por el liderazgo clínico
  6. Lorenzo S. - Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011. Número 1
    Instrumentos para ayudar la toma de decisiones informadas
  7. Lorenzo S. -Gestión Clínica y Sanitaria 2004;6(4):131-2
    La gestión de la calidad: de los modelos a la excelencia
  8. Fundación de Ciencias de la Salud
    Tres décadas de evolución de la Atención Primaria en España (1976-2006)
  9. Maderuelo Fernández, J. A. - Medifam [online]. 2002, vol.12, n.10, pp. 41-54.
    Gestión de la calidad total. El modelo EFQM de excelencia
  10. Gérvas, J., Meneu, R. Gac Sanit. 2010; 24 (Supl 1): 33-6
    Las crisis de salud pública en una sociedad desarrollada. Aciertos y limitaciones en España. Informe SESPAS 2010
  11. Torné Vilagrasa, E., Guarga Rojas, A., Torras Boatella, MG., Pozuelo García, A., Pasarin Rua, M., Borrel Thió, C. - Gestión Hospitalaria Volumen 32 - Número 07 p. 423-424.
    Análisis de la demanda en los servicios de urgencias de Barcelona
  12. R. Bravo - Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra, Departamento de Salud del Gobierno de Navarra, vol 25 no. 3 sep-dic 2003 pp255-272.
    La gestión del conocimiento en Medicina: a la búsqueda de la información perdida [Knowledge management in medicine: in search of lost information]

3. Políticas de calidad

  1. Starfield B, Shi L, Macinko J. - Milbank Q 2005;83:457-502
    Contribution of primary care to health systems and health
  2. Informe anual del Observatorio del Sistema Nacional de Salud, SNS 2005
    La calidad asistencial en la Unión Europea
  3. Canada Health infoway -  Ottawa: The Council
    Paths to better health : final report
  4. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government(2005)
     Designed for Life - A World Class Health Service for Wales
  5. Strategic Plan for 2010-2012 [Australia]
    The NHMRC (National Health and Medical Research Council)
  6. Plan de calidad del sistema nacional de salud.
    Resumen de las principales medidas
  7. VR. Fuchs - Am Econ Rev 86:1 (1996) 
    Economics, values, and health care reform
  8. Legido-Quigley, H; McKee, M; Nolte, E.; Glinos - A Call for Action World Health Organization on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. (Geneva) 2008
    Assuring the quality of health care in the European Union
  9. Evidence and Information for Policy Department of Health Service Provision WHO (Geneva) 2003
    Quality and accreditation in health care services: A global review
  10. WHO Regional Office for Europe (Copenhagen, Denmark) 2009
    The European health report 2009. Health and health systems
  11. Joumard , A. & Nicq (2010) - OECD Economics Department Working Paper, No. 76
    Health care systems: efficiency and institutions
  12. Coster G, Buetow S. - Wellington: National Health Committee; 2001.
    Quality in the New Zealand Health System. Background Paper to the National Health Committee
  13. Lori DiPrete Brown et al. - Quality Assurance Methodology Refinement Series (Bethesda, MD: Quality Assurance Project, 2000)
    Quality Assurance of Health Care In Developing Countrie
  14. American College of Physicians - Ann Intern Med. 2008;148:55-75.
    Achieving a High-Performance Health Care System with Universal Access: What the United States Can Learn from Other Countries
  15. Hacker JS. 2009.
    Healthy Competition
  16. Nilsen ES, Myrhaug HT, Johansen M, Oliver S, Oxman AD. - (Revisión Cochrane traducida). En: , 2008
    Métodos de participación del consumidor en el desarrollo de políticas e investigación sanitarias, guías para la práctica clínica y material informativo para el paciente
  17. Rob Coward, (2010) - International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Vol. 23 Iss: 8, pp.708 - 717
    Educational governance in the NHS: a literature review
  18. Committee of Ministers - Council Of Europe (2010)
    Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)6 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on good governance in health systems
  19. Scally, G. - BMJ, vol. 317, pp. 7161- 7165 (1998)
    Clinical Governance and the drive for quality improvement in the New NHS in England
  20. Nicholls S., Cullen R., Halligan A. - Clinical Governance Bulletin April 2001; 2(1): ibid.
    NHS Clinical Governance Support Team – cultural shift and some examples of improving services
  21. Huntington J, Gillam S, Rosen R. - BMJ 2000;321:679-682
    Organisational development for clinical governance
  22. Shapiro J. - BMJ 1998; 316: 296-297
    The new NHS: comentaries on the white paper: Encouraging Responsibility: different paths to accountability (counting and accounting in the new NHS)
  23. Black, N. - BMJ. 1998; 316:297-298
    Clinical Governance: fine words or action?
  24. Meneu, R., Ortún, V. - Gac Sanit. 2011;25:333-8. - vol.25 núm 04
    Transparencia y buen gobierno en sanidad. También para salir de la crisis

4. Calidad y práctica clínica

  1. Starfield B, Shi L, Macinko J. - Milbank Q 2005;83:457-502
    Contribution of primary care to health systems and health
  2. National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare (2005) - Llanharan: NLIAH.
    The Integrated Care Pathways Guide to Good Practice
  3. Jessie L McGowan, Roland Grad, Pierre Pluye, Karin Hannes, Katherine Deane, Michel Labrecque, Vivian Welch, Peter Tugwell. - Biblioteca Cochrane Plus 2009 Número 3. Oxford: Update Software Ltd.
    Obtención de información sanitaria a través de medios electrónicos por parte de los profesionales de la salud para mejorar la práctica y la atención del paciente
  4. Gómez Castroa M.J. - Aten Primaria. 2003;32:460-5
    Un sistema de indicadores de calidad de prescripción farmacéutica en atención primaria desarrollado por médicos prescriptores
  5. Rigueira AI, Gómez V. - Rev Esp Salud Publica. 2000;74:65-80
    Selección de indicadores para evaluar la adhesión a una guía farmacoterapéutica por los médicos generales de un área de atención primaria
  6. JAMA 2001;286(12):1461-7
    Validity of Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality clinical practice guidelines: how quickly do guidelines become outdated?
  7. Grol R, Dalhuijsen J, Thomas S, Veld C, Rutten G, Mokkink H. - BMJ. 1998;317(7162):858-61.
    Attributes of clinical guidelines that influence use of guidelines in general practice: observational study
  8. Grimshaw JM, Russell T. - Volume 342, Issue 8883, 27 November 1993, Pages 1317-1322
    Effect of clinical guidelines on medical practice: a systematic review of rigorous evaluations
  9. Cabana MD, Rand CS, Powe NR, Wu AW, Wilson MH, Abboud PAC, Rubin HR -A framework for improvement. 
    Why Don't Physicians Follow Clinical Practice Guidelines?
  10. Campbell SM, et al. - BMJ 2003; 326 (7393): 816-819.
    Research methods used in developing and applying quality indicators in primary care
  11. Final report to the President of the United States
    Quality First: Better Health Care for All Americans 
  12. Allen, P. BMJ (2000)
    Accountability for clinical governance: developing collective responsibility for quality in primary care
  13. Rosen R. - BMJ. 2000; 321:551-554
    Improving quality in the changing world of primary care
  14. Heard SR, Schiller G, Aitken M, et al. - Qual Health Care. 2001;10(Suppl 2):70ii-78ii
    Continuous quality improvement: educating towards a culture of clinical governance
  15. Halligan, A. and Wall, D. Hospital Doctor, 5 September 2002 : 36-37
    Take steps to improve your quality of care.
  16. Campbell, S. Roland, M, Wilkin, D. - BMJ. 2001; 322:1580-2
    Improving the quality of care through clinical governance
  17. Campbell, S. M., Sweeney, G. M. - British Journal of General Practice, Quality Supplement, October. 2000; S12-S17
    The role of clinical governance as a strategy for quality improvement in primary care
  18. McColl A, Roderick P, Wilkinson E, et al. - Qual Health Care 2000; 9:90-97
    Clinical governance in primary care groups: the feasibility of deriving evidence-based performance indicators
  19. Wall, D. and Boggust, M. - Clinical Governance Bulletin March 2003; 3(6): 2-4.
    Developing managed clinical networks
  20. Jeanne Mandelblatt, MD, MPH; Somnath Saha, MD, MPH; Steven Teutsch, MD, MPH; Tom Hoerger, PhD; Albert L. Siu, MD, MSPH; David Atkins, MD, MPH; Jonathan Klein, MD; and Mark Helfand, MD, MS for the Cost Work Group of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. - Annals of Internal Medicine. Noviembre 2003, vol 139: 835-842
    The Cost-Effectiveness of Screening Mammography beyond Age 65 Years: A Systematic Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
  21. Sarah Squire, Debbie Wall and Aidan Halligan - Clinical Governance Bulletin December 2002; 3(4): 5-6
    Involving patients and the public in clinical governance: a practical approach
  22. Sweeney, G., Sweeney, K., Greco, M., Stead, J. - Clinical Governance Bulletin May 2002; 3(1): 10-12
    Primary care clinical governance: whats happening on the ground
  23. Sweeney, G., Sweeney, K., Greco, M., Stead, J.
    Developing clinical governance in primary care: the experience of primary care clinical governance leads.
    Briefing paper 1, June 2001
  24. Squire, S., Wall, D., Halligan A. - Clinical Governance Bulletin. December 2002; 3(4): 5-6
    Involving patients and the public in clinical governance: a practical approach
  25. Sean R. Tunis; Daniel B. Stryer; Carolyn M. Clancy - JAMA. September 2003, vol. 290(12) 1624-1632
    Practical Clinical Trials: Increasing the Value of Clinical Research for Decision Making in Clinical and Health Policy
  26. Richard N. Shiffman, Paul Shekelle, J. Marc Overhage, Jean Slutsky, Jeremy Grimshaw, and Aniruddha M. Deshpande - Annals of Internal Medicine. September 2003, vol. 139(6): 493-498
    Standardized Reporting of Clinical Practice uidelines: A Proposal from the Conference on Guideline Standardization
  27. Neil S. Wenger, David H. Solomon, Carol P. Roth, Catherine H. MacLean, Debra Saliba, Caren J. Kamberg, Laurence Z. Rubenstein, Roy T. Young, Elizabeth M. Sloss, achel Louie John Adams, John T. Chang, Patricia J. Venus, John F. Schnelle, and Paul G. Shekelle - Annals of Internal Medicine. 04 November 2003; 139(Issue 9):740-747
    The Quality of Medical Care Provided to Vulnerable Community-Dwelling Older Patients
  28. Malcolm L, Mays N. - BMJ. 1999;319:1340-2
    New Zealand's independent practitioner associations: a working model of clinical governance in primary care?
  29. Baker, R, Lakhani M, Fraser R, Cheater F. - BMJ 1999; 318: 779-83
    A Model for clinical governance in primary care groups
  30. Nicolini D, Waring J, Mengis J. - Soc Sci Med. 2011 Jul;73(2):217-25. Epub 2011 May 27
    Policy and practice in the use of root cause analysis to investigate clinical adverse events: mind the gap
  31. Burton JL. - Br J Hosp Med (Lond). 2011 May;72(5):244-5
    Importance of the hospital autopsy in clinical governance, teaching and research
  32. Shah S, Murdoch IE - Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2011 Jul;31(4):339-42. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-1313.2011.00843.x. Epub 2011 May 4.
    NICE - impact on glaucoma case detection
  33. Gibbons C, Bruce J, Carpenter J, Wilson A, Wilson J, Pearson A, Lamping D, Krukowski Zh, Reeves B. - Health Technol Assess. 2011 Sep;15(30):1-156
    Identification of risk factors by systematic review and development of risk-adjusted models for surgical site infection

5. Evaluación y aseguramiento de la calidad

  1. Mainz J. Int J Qual Health Care 2003 Dec;15(6):523-3
    Defining and classifying clinical indicators for quality improvement
  2. Kawamoto K, Houlihan CA, Balas EA, Lobach DF. Br Med J. 2005;330(7494):765.
    Improving clinical practice using clinical decision support systems: a systematic review of trials to identify features critical to success
  3. Donabedian A. Medical Association 1988; 260: 743-1748
    The Quality of Care: How Can It Be Assessed?
  4. Rutstein DD New Engl J Med 1976;294:582-8. 6.
    Measuring the Quality of Medical Care — A Clinical Method
  5. Johnston G et al. Qual Health Care 2000;9:p 23-36.
    Reviewing audit: barriers and facilitating factors for effective clinical audit
  6. Campbell SM, et al. BMJ 2001;322:1580–2
    Improving the quality of care through clinical governance
  7. Specchia ML. BMC Health Serv Res. 2010; 10: 174.
    OPTIGOV - A new methodology for evaluating Clinical Governance implementation by health providers
  8. John H, et al. Clin Med. 2010 Feb;10(1):20-5.
    Eight years' experience of regional audit: an assessment of its value as a clinical governance tool
  9. Scott I. Volume 39, Issue 6, pages 389–400, June 2009
    What are the most effective strategies for improving quality and safety of health care?
  10. Scott IA, et al. Intern Med J. 2008 Jan;38(1):44-55.
    Improving quality and safety of hospital care: a reappraisal and an agenda for clinically relevant reform
  11. Drösler S, Romano P, Wei L. Paris: OECD; 2009. OECD Health Working Papers; 47
    Health Care Quality Indicators Project: Patient Safety Indicators Report 2009.
  12. Hermann RC. Int J Qual Health Care.2006;18 Suppl 1:31-8
    Quality indicators for international benchmarking of mental health care
  13. Jeremy Hurst and Melissa Jee-Hughes. No 47, OECD Labour Market and Social Policy Occasional Papers
    Performance Measurement and Performance Management in OECD Health Systems
  14. Nabitz U. Int J Qual Health Care (2000) 12 (3): 191-202.
    The EFQM excellence model: European and Dutch experiences with the EFQM approach in health care
  15. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5655
    Governance in the Health Sector: A Strategy for Measuring Determinants and Performance by William D. Savedoff 
  16. Iizuka Y, et al Dubrovnik, 12 - 14 May 2009
    Quality approach to healthcare: Fundamentals
  17. Int J Qual Health Care. 2000 Aug;12(4):273-4.
    A framework for evaluating governmental quality initiatives: the Wimpole Street principles. Shaw CD, Nichol D. 
  18. Martin JJ, et al Presupuesto y Gasto Público 49/2007: 139-16
    La medida de la eficiencia en las organizaciones sanitarias
  19. Vincent C, Taylor-Adams S, Stanhope N. MBJ 1998;316:1156 
    Framework for analysing risk and safety in clinical medicine 
  20. E.M.S.J. van Gennip and P.A.E. Sillevis Smitt Health Care 12 (2000), pp. 259–262
    The Netherlands Institute for Accreditation of Hospitals. EMSJ VAN GENNIP
  21. Rawlins M Lancet 1999;353:1079-82
    In pursuit of quality: the National Institute for Clinical ... de M Rawlins
  22. Kilpeläinen K, Aromaa A and the ECHIM Core Group (Eds) Final Report of the ECHIM Project. Helsinki: KTL, 200
    European Health Indicators: Development and Initial Implemention
  23. Soto J. Aten Primaria. 2006;37:347-9.
    Evaluación de la calidad de la prescripción farmacéutica: ¿no nos estamos olvidando de medir los resultados en salud obtenidos en los pacientes?
  24. Hills S. Performance. Health Serv J. 2009 Jun 25;Suppl:6-7.
    Performance. Twelve steps to perfect competence
  25. Trivedi D, Kuo K, Hooke R. Br J Hosp Med (Lond). 2008 Nov;69(11):M172-3.
    Understanding clinical governance: a guide for the foundation year doctor
  26. Nolte, Ellen, McKee, Martin. BMJ. 2003; 327:1129
    Measuring the health of nations: analysis of mortality amenable to the health care.
  27. Beresford NW, Evans TW. BMJ. 1999; 319:654-5
    Legal safeguards for the audit process. Are essential for effective clinical governance.
  28. Jiang HJ, Lockee C, Fraser I. Health Care Manage Rev. 2011 Jun 27
    Enhancing board oversight on quality of hospital care: An agency theory perspective.
  29. Kousgaard MB. Int J Health Plann Manage. 2011 Jun 13. doi: 10.1002/hpm.1092
    Translating visions of transparency and quality development: the transformation of clinical databases in the Danish hospital field.
  30. Hess RG Jr. Nurs Adm Q. 2011 Jul-Sep;35(3):235-41
    Slicing and dicing shared governance: in and around the numbers.
  31. Gauld R, Horsburgh S, Brown J. BMJ Qual Saf. 2011 Jun 8. [Epub ahead of print]
    The clinical governance development index: results from a New Zealand study.

6. Impacto económico

  1. D. Chisholm, D. B. Evans - Vol. 10, No. 3. (2007), pp. 325-337/li>
    Economic evaluation in health: saving money or improving care? Journal of Medical Economics
  2. Figueras, J et al.
    T Health systems, health and wealth: Assessing the case For investing in health systems
  3. Lagarde M, Palmer N. - Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Apr 13;(4):CD009094. 
    The impact of user fees on access to health services in low- and middle-income countries

7. Participación del paciente en las decisiones clínicas

  1. Harris C, Boaden R. - J Hlth Ser Res Pol 2006;11:133-140
    Copying letters to patients: the view of patients and health professionals
  2. Tardáguila MP, et al. - Rev Clin Med Fam v.2 n.4 Albacete jun. 2008
    La información al paciente y su participación en la toma de decisiones en las Urgencias de Atención Primaria
  3. Barca Fernández I, et al. - Aten Primaria. 2004;33:361-4. - vol.33 núm 07
    La información al paciente y su participación en la toma de decisiones clínicas
  4. Bosch Fontcuberta JM. - Aten Primaria. 2010;42:264-5
    Toma de decisiones compartidas en la consulta: de la necesidad a la realidad
  5. Loriente Arín N, Serrano del Rosal R - Revista Internacional de Sociología, Vol 67, No 2 (2009)
    Hable con los pacientes, no para ellos. Análisis de las fuentes de confianza del acto médico
  6. Mira JJ, Nebot C, Lorenzo S, Pérez-Jover V. - Qual Saf Health Care. 2010 Oct;19(5):e33
    Patient report on information given, consultation time and safety in primary care
  7. Ruiz Moral R et al. - Aten Primaria. 2010;42:257-63
    La participación del paciente en la toma de decisiones en las consultas de Atención Primaria

8. Políticas de calidad y profesión

  1. Lindenauer PK, et al. N Engl J Med 2007; 356:486-496
    Public Reporting and Pay for Performance in Hospital Quality Improvement
  2. Dudley, R.A. New England Journal of Medicine , 335, 375-384
    Pay-for-Performance Programs in Family Practices in the United Kingdom
  3. Epstein AM, Lee TH, Hamel MB. N Engl J Med. 2004 Jan 22;350(4):406-10.
    Paying physicians for high-quality care
  4. Roland M. N Engl J Med. 2004 Sep 30;351(14):1448-54.
    Linking Physicians' Pay to the Quality of Care — A Major Experiment in the United Kingdom
  5. Lancet. 2008 Aug 30;372(9640):728-36
    Effect of financial incentives on inequalities in the delivery of primary clinical care in England: analysis of clinical activity indicators for the quality and outcomes framework 
  6. Maisey S, Steel N, Marsh R, Gillam S, Fleetcroft R, Howe A. J Health Serv Res Policy. 2008 Jul;13(3):133-9.
    Effects of payment for performance in primary care: qualitative interview study
  7. Gravelle H, Sutton M, Ma A. Centre for Health Economics; 2007
    Doctor behaviour under a pay for performance contract: evidence from the Quality and Outcomes Framework: CHE research paper 28.
  8. Berwick DM et al. Qual Saf Health Care. 2003 Dec;12(6):448-52.
    Improvement, trust, and the healthcare workforce
  9. Roland M. N Engl J Med 2004;351:1448-54
    Linking physicians' pay to the quality of care—a major experiment in the United Kingdom.
  10. Campbell SM, Reeves D, Kontopantelis E, Sibbald B, Roland M. N Engl J Med 2009;361:368-78
    Effects of pay for performance on the quality of primary care in England.
  11. Roland M, Campbell S, Bailey N, Whalley D, Sibbald B. Prim Health Care Res Dev 2006;7:18-26
    Financial incentives to improve the quality of primary care in the UK: predicting the consequences of change.
  12. Ortún V, González López- Valcárcel B, Bar- ber Pérez P. Med. Clin (Barc). 2008;131:180-3
    Determinantes de las retribuciones médicas
  13. Beirne, A. Ulster Med J. 1999 May; 68(1): 1–2.
    The impact of clinical governance on continuing medical education and continuing professional development
  14. Gérvas, J., Pérez Fernández, M. Gérvas, J., Pérez Fernández, M. AMF 2008; 4(6): 344-352
    Pago por desempeño («pay for performance» [P4P]).
  15. Frenk J, Chen L, et al. Lancet 2010;376:1923-1958
    Health professionals for a new century: transforming education to strengthen health systems in an interdependent world
  16. Arthur, H., Wall, D. and Halligan, A. Clinical Governance: An International Journal 2003; 8(1): 86-91
    Team Resource Management: a programme for troubled teams.
  17. Sausman C. Qual Health Care 2001;10(Suppl 2):ii13-20
    New roles and responsibilities of NHS chief executives in relation to quality and clinical governance.
  18. Nicholls S., Cullen R., Halligan A. Clinical Governance Bulletin, Royal Society of Medicine Press Ltd, April 2001; 2(1)
    NHS Clinical Governance Support Team – facilitating cultural change.
  19. Cullen R., Nicholls S.,Halligan A. NHS Support Team. British Journal of Clinical Governance 2000; 5 (4): 233-239
    Reviewing a service – discovering the unwritten rules.
  20. Boggust, M., Deighan, M., Cullen, R. and Halligan, A. British Journal of Clinical Governance 2002; 7(3): 215-219
    Developing strategic leadership of clinical governance through a programme for NHS boards.
  21. Wall, D., Conlon, C., Cullen, R. and Halligan, A. British Journal of Clinical Governance. 2002, 7(4): 294 - 298
    Learning by doing: training general practitioners to be appraisers.
  22. Vanoli M, Traisci G, Franchini A, Benetti G, Serra P, Monti MA. Intern Emerg Med. 2011 Aug 11. [Epub ahead of print]
    A program of professional accreditation of hospital wards by the Italian Society of Internal Medicine (SIMI): self- versus peer-evaluation.

9. Gestión del desperdicio

  1. E. Insa, M. Zamorano, R. López - Resources, Conservation and Recycling 54: 1048 -1059, 2010
    ‘Critical review of medical waste legislation in Spain’
  2. Serrano Paredes, María Olga. 1999; Universidad de Alicante
    La gestión de residuos sanitarios. 
  3. Masum A. et al. 
    Assessment of occupational and environmental safety associated with medical waste disposal in developing countries: A qualitative approach MA Patwary, WT 'Hare… - Safety Science, 201
  4. MO Harhay et al. Tropical Medicine & International Health Volume 14, Issue 11, pages 1414–1417, November 2009
    Health care waste management: a neglected and growing public health problem worldwide
  5. Waste Management Volume 28, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 442-449
    A system dynamics approach for hospital waste management. 
  6. International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research Issue: Volume 2, Number 2 / 2010 Pages: 154 - 171
    Analysis of interactions among the barriers to effective hospital waste management. 
  7. Waste Management Volume 29, Issue 8, August 2009, Pages 2227-2239
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